special edition - release 25.09.

solo exhibitions:
Society, galleria collicaligreggi, Catania/IT
La Tombe des Hommes-Scorpiones, Galleria S.A.L.E.S., Rome/IT selected group exhibitions: 2014
Wildwuchs: in den Straßen und an den Körpern, Kunsthaus Muerz, Muerz/AT
syllabus #1 talking about art and life galleria collicaligreggi, Catania/IT
Arte Coni 100, curated by Maria Alicata and Bartolomeo Pietromarchi, various locations, Rome/IT To Continue. Notes towards a Sculpture Cycle, curated by Cecilia Canziani and Ilaria Gianni Nomas Foundation, Rome/IT 2013
The Volume of Air, Serra dei Giardini, Venezia / IT
group shows:
Le associazioni libere. A project by the Dena Foundation for Contemporary Art, La Maison Rouge, Paris/FR
Reality Show, curated by Stanislao Di Giugno, Galleria Tiziana Di Caro, Salerno/IT
ElementS, LU MI project, Rome/IT
Re-generation, curated by Maria Alicata and Ilaria Gianni, Macro Testaccio, Rome/IT
Smeared with the Gold of the Opulent Sun, curated by Chris Sharp, Nomas Foundation, Rome/IT Golf Sale, Bowery Hotel, New York/US
D’après Giorgio, curated by Luca Lo Pinto, Fondazione Giorgio e Isa de Chirico, Rome/IT